Friday, March 20, 2009

3.19.09 - Dreams...

Okay, rather than posting on my blog, which isn't so personal, I decided I'd post this here, considering it does involve "the band". Not all members *cough*cough* follow the blog, but at least a couple do...

So I woke up around 8pm Thursday, out of a cRaZy dream!!! Thank heavens I was alive!

Here's how it went down:

Kara had moved up to Champaign for some odd reason, which since it was present day and Sarah nor I was married, makes no since. Anyways, the place she found was $9.99/night. LOL, why she was paying by the night, I don't have a clue, but if you do the math, that's about $300/mo. Not bad, but it was the cheapest she could find. Sarah & I had went to visit her and when Sarah started walking into a basement, I was freaked out a bit. The place was so cheap because it was in some basement. Well, turns out she had a roomate! A dude! I do not know the name of this guy. Apparently the place did have a kitchen, which for the price, we all (including the "roomie") were surprised about. I just remember the place being aweful dark and we turned on the kitchen light for some reason, because we were looking around for the kitchen. Anyways the 4 of us and the roomie's friend, who apparently was named Landon, decided to watch a movie. I was on the couch, the far right as your sitting on it, and then the rommie and Landon on the far left. The girls where on the floor, right in front of me, like laying on my legs, in front of me. For some odd reason, Sarah & I were holding hands. I'm not sure if we were scared or just "flashing" our rings, because I did see the rings in the dream and no bands, so I know we weren't married yet. (And no, not married to each other either...) So Mr. Roomie decides to keep moving closer to me... and closer, and closer... and tries to KISS ME!!! Dude, I'm taken!! *Flashes ring AGAIN* He was NOT happy... He kept asking me for just "one" kiss. Um, NO! So it's a little bit later and he asked me if I wasn't taken, if I'd date him. I told him I thought he was kinda attractive and probalby so. ((I'm not sure why I thought he was attractive, because in my mind I thought his hair was a bit long, past sholders, kinda wavy up in a half pony, and if I cut my hair off, his would probably be longer.)) So that kinda pissed him off. Landon told him to chill out, but he didn't. I ended up going potty or something and when I was done he came in and tried to drug me!!! I was screaming for help, or I was trying, but my voice wasn't working. He was trying to kiss me and stuff. I didn't know where the girls were, because why on earth weren't they trying to help me?! I apparently got free b/c Landon pulled the dude away. I went in to the living room, looking for the girls, only to find a trapt door in the floor! He'd locked the girls in the basement's basement!!!!! I just remember opening the door and loads of stuffed animals in the top, like the girls were using them to try to get out??? I dunno, but I think a little while after that I woke up... *Whew* I'm so happy to be alive...

#1) Kara, you are not ever moving to Champaign again!
#2) Kara, you are not allowed to live in a basement apartment.
#3) Kara, you are NEVER allowed to have a male roomie or
#4) be friends with a dude with past the sholders wavy hair!