Sunday, November 30, 2008


Look now I can be in charge too!!!

I like the layout that Lily wanted us to use! Very fun!

Lilo... you missed out on some fun last night!

We have a new 'character'... Right now he's just known as Mr. L... you got anything that goes with Lily... ya know... Lilo and Stitch... Lily and ????? Yeah we don't really got anything....


It just came to me.... What about Tiger... ok ok I know kind of a silly name... but really think about it... Tiger Lily?!?! It's a type of flower sure.. but it kind of works...

How about Panther or Leopard those are types of lilies..... Or maybe Henry... That's something that Tiger lilies are called Henry's Lily.... so he could be Henry??

No??? We'll I'll keep thinking...

Anyway back to what I was saying...

You missed out on the fun!! See what happens when you go visit Stitch?? Ridiclously early shopping that's exhausting and... well ok so you probably wouldn't have wanted to miss out on your fun... but still you missed out on ours!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008




Alright, damnit kids, get your aces over here!

If Lilo is good, I might do some purple eyes on her. :o)
What is Lila requesting?
I shall go with my colors and use my RED eyeshadow!!!

Monday, November 24, 2008

Lila's turn!!

Haha!! I finally get to join in the chaos... er fun!!

So I don't really have anything to say really...

Miss hanging out.
Miss playin the game.

I think Mr. Lily should get a name... even if he doesn't play. I mean come on Mr. Lilo is Stitch, so ya know. Well just my opinion.

Again I don't have anything fun to add... maybe later??


Saturday, November 22, 2008

Would the owner try this layout...

Lily here...

I wish I had just went *sticks tongue out* to the family, last night and invited Lila & Lilo to play. We didn't do anything last night anyways. Mr. Lily (which what is his name?!?!) went and pushed deer, in which his little brother got 2. When Mr. Lily came home, we watched some TV, ate dinner & went to bed at 11:30p. But anyways, Mr. Lily's older brother has decided that he's too immature to go take a family picture for his momma's Christmas present... So, no family pictures today, just Mr. & Ms. Lily's engagement photos. *Sigh* Oh well, Mr. & Ms. Lily got their hair 'did today and look all perdy. :o)

HAHA!!! So this blog is for me and my friends! lol....the name comes from our Rockband Band so there will probably be stuff on here bout that! Speaking of which.....I'm having withdrawls......two weeks now without rockband!!! I had to miss last week due to an extremely early shopping excursion and this week Lily has family stuff....*sigh* i will just trek on i suppose.......*shuffles away*