Sunday, November 30, 2008


Look now I can be in charge too!!!

I like the layout that Lily wanted us to use! Very fun!

Lilo... you missed out on some fun last night!

We have a new 'character'... Right now he's just known as Mr. L... you got anything that goes with Lily... ya know... Lilo and Stitch... Lily and ????? Yeah we don't really got anything....


It just came to me.... What about Tiger... ok ok I know kind of a silly name... but really think about it... Tiger Lily?!?! It's a type of flower sure.. but it kind of works...

How about Panther or Leopard those are types of lilies..... Or maybe Henry... That's something that Tiger lilies are called Henry's Lily.... so he could be Henry??

No??? We'll I'll keep thinking...

Anyway back to what I was saying...

You missed out on the fun!! See what happens when you go visit Stitch?? Ridiclously early shopping that's exhausting and... well ok so you probably wouldn't have wanted to miss out on your fun... but still you missed out on ours!


Sarah said...

I'm suprised at you!! When you said Tiger Lily I TOTTALLY expected you to go down the Peter Pan track.....*sigh* I am sad I missed the fun I told Stitch so and he goes "don't you guys get tired of it?" and I said...."dont you and stupid get tired of drinking?" Stitch says stupid isn't going to find out for a very VERY long time .lol..... be home soon!

Akira_kin said...


I almost feel bad for stupid... mainly because he's only known as stupid.XD

The Peter Pan track did pop into my head... I just didn't go there(on here at least it totally happened in the mind)

So Tiger is a go? Or one of the other Lilies??

FUN!! I'm helpful!!!